I've been using Mozilla since version 0.7, and I think it's
a great browser. Now that it's nearly
at version 1.7,
even some diehard IE users are using the
open source browser. (Even if you don't
like Mozilla, or don't want to take the time to download this browser, be
thankful it exists, as it helps to keep Internet Explorer honest.)
This is just a collection of tricks that I like that make
Mozilla that much easier to use. Please
feel free to send any of your favorite tips to
mozilla AT mooreds FULL STOP com.
- Tabbed browsing is amazing. Opera had it first, but Mozilla has a great implementation. One thing that bugged me was moving between
the tabs (like alt-tab moves between applications [on windows and linux]). Opening new tabs from the keyboward was
easy: control-T opens up a new tab. Getting around wasn't. A quick
web search turned up this tip: to move between tabs, press the control and page
up keys, or the control and page down keys. Control tab (and
control-shift-tab) works for me as well (on windows, haven't tested it
on linux).
- I like to be able to read text at a large size to ease strain
on my eyes. Mozilla lets me increase
the text size of a page I'm reading without using the mouse: pressing control
and then the =/+ key increases the size.
If you’ve made the text too big, press control and the -/_ key to
decrease the font size.
One of my favorite features is the address bar keyword
expansion. Go to your favorite search
engine and search for "foo. Bookmark
the results. Then manage your bookmarks
(under the "Bookmarks" menu) and edit the properties of that bookmark (via
right clicking it). Change "foo" to
"%s" and give the bookmark a keyword-perhaps s for search. Click OK and exit your bookmarks.
Now type "s foo bar baz" in the address bar,
and, lo, the keyword is expanded and your search is run. Now, IE has a google toolbar,
but address bar keyword expansion is
also useful for other web applications-anything that can be queried via a GET
method. I have keywords for
qwestdex.com, google and teoma.
Visiting a web page and curious to see what the underlying html looks like?
Control-u is the shortcut to 'view source.'
I've blogged about some ways to make Firefox more like Mozilla.
MozillaTips has many more
suggestions for optimizing Mozilla.